So I finally saved enough to buy this set. Got it today and was so easy to assemble. Found a small hole from it being shipped and they are shipping me a replacement. I am so in love with this couch set. It is sturdy, comfortable and it has so many different options. I ordered another modular price to make my loveseat longer and will order another to make my other couch longer. We have long walls and it will look amazing. My son loves it so much he want one for his room and my daughter wants one in hers to replace her futon. The customer service on this has been fast. They responded to my questions very efficiently and answered any questions I had so fast. Definitely recommend them and this set to anyone.
Amazing customer service and product.
So I finally saved enough to buy this set. Got it today and was so easy to assemble. Found a small hole from it being shipped and they are shipping me a replacement. I am so in love with this couch set. It is sturdy, comfortable and it has so many different options. I ordered another modular price to make my loveseat longer and will order another to make my other couch longer. We have long walls and it will look amazing. My son loves it so much he want one for his room and my daughter wants one in hers to replace her futon. The customer service on this has been fast. They responded to my questions very efficiently and answered any questions I had so fast. Definitely recommend them and this set to anyone.