I ordered this trampoline for my granddaughters birthday a few months ago. My granddaughter is ten and weighs about 70 pounds. The reviews say you need two adults and a few hours to put it together. However, I was able to put this together by myself with some help from my granddaughter. It took less than an hour to put together. The instructions were ok but could have been more straight forward. I found online YouTube videos to be more helpful for instructions on how to assemble it. The trampoline works great and is very sturdy. My granddaughter really enjoys it. One problem I had with the trampoline was keeping the blue tarp in place which would move every time she jumped on the trampoline. To solve this problem, I purchased Velcro adhesive from Walmart to place under the tarp on the steel bars and now it holds in place perfectly. We have had as many as four average size kids age seven through eleven on the trampoline at one time and it continued to maintain its buoyancy. I believe the weight limit for this trampoline is 400 lbs. Prior to this purchase I had searched several websites and saw other trampolines that were twice as much as this one and some even three times as much. I decided to go with this one because it was more in my price range and I am always cautious of online purchases. All in all this was a great purchase for the price. I would definitely recommend this product to others. Amazing!
Great product for the price
I ordered this trampoline for my granddaughters birthday a few months ago. My granddaughter is ten and weighs about 70 pounds. The reviews say you need two adults and a few hours to put it together. However, I was able to put this together by myself with some help from my granddaughter. It took less than an hour to put together. The instructions were ok but could have been more straight forward. I found online YouTube videos to be more helpful for instructions on how to assemble it. The trampoline works great and is very sturdy. My granddaughter really enjoys it. One problem I had with the trampoline was keeping the blue tarp in place which would move every time she jumped on the trampoline. To solve this problem, I purchased Velcro adhesive from Walmart to place under the tarp on the steel bars and now it holds in place perfectly. We have had as many as four average size kids age seven through eleven on the trampoline at one time and it continued to maintain its buoyancy. I believe the weight limit for this trampoline is 400 lbs. Prior to this purchase I had searched several websites and saw other trampolines that were twice as much as this one and some even three times as much. I decided to go with this one because it was more in my price range and I am always cautious of online purchases. All in all this was a great purchase for the price. I would definitely recommend this product to others. Amazing!