This product was the best decision for our family. It was easy to assemble and our family has been using it every day since we got it. It is very sturdy. We bought led lights and a water sprinkler for it as well and the kids have really enjoyed it. I recommend this trampoline to others. It has kept our kids busy and I really like the safety net that comes with it, especially for our young son. Enough strength.
Fun for the whole family and very sturdy!
This product was the best decision for our family. It was easy to assemble and our family has been using it every day since we got it. It is very sturdy. We bought led lights and a water sprinkler for it as well and the kids have really enjoyed it. I recommend this trampoline to others. It has kept our kids busy and I really like the safety net that comes with it, especially for our young son. Enough strength.