This trampoline was bought for my son 9 years old and daughter 3.5 years old. The product arrived packaged well and was heavy. Overall unboxing and reading over instructions everything was straight forward. Gathered all the pieces and separated the hardware boxes apart as well as the main frame pieces from the trampoline pad and the screen in pieces. I put this together myself in about an hour. The most difficult part was the install of the actual screen in piece which was a little frustrating but mind you like I said I did this install by myself. Would recommend at least another helper to speed up the process of assembly. It was nice to see it came with work gloves as the metal frame seemed to have a protectant grease/ film on the pieces (assuming for rust prevention). After it is all assembled all the pieces seem to be double protected for weathering. As in the foam around the poles are inside the actual covers of the netting. Also the protecting pad for the springs covers all the springs and up sections of the frames.
Easy to assemble
Ladder to get onto trampoline
Weather protected in multiple areas
Comes with allen wrench
Comes with dual wrench 8mm and 10mm
Recommend a helper for install (if you want to even consider that a con)
Does not come with any extra harware so make sure to inventory completely. But on the plus side at least you dont feel like you forgot to install something somewhere or feel you missed something. My mom loves it.
Great product would recommend
This trampoline was bought for my son 9 years old and daughter 3.5 years old. The product arrived packaged well and was heavy. Overall unboxing and reading over instructions everything was straight forward. Gathered all the pieces and separated the hardware boxes apart as well as the main frame pieces from the trampoline pad and the screen in pieces. I put this together myself in about an hour. The most difficult part was the install of the actual screen in piece which was a little frustrating but mind you like I said I did this install by myself. Would recommend at least another helper to speed up the process of assembly. It was nice to see it came with work gloves as the metal frame seemed to have a protectant grease/ film on the pieces (assuming for rust prevention). After it is all assembled all the pieces seem to be double protected for weathering. As in the foam around the poles are inside the actual covers of the netting. Also the protecting pad for the springs covers all the springs and up sections of the frames. Pros Easy to assemble Sturdy Ladder to get onto trampoline Weather protected in multiple areas Comes with allen wrench Comes with dual wrench 8mm and 10mm Cons Recommend a helper for install (if you want to even consider that a con) Does not come with any extra harware so make sure to inventory completely. But on the plus side at least you dont feel like you forgot to install something somewhere or feel you missed something. My mom loves it.