I love this trampoline for our family! The price is perfect it was easy to assemble it was easier with two people. My daughter loves to jump in, our whole family loves just laying in it together and looking up at the stars. The only thing was the net the zipper part was broke. I contacted the seller and immediately they responded and sent a new net out! Best customer service, and that makes me feel safe with my purchase. All in all I would highly recommended this purchase. The price is perfect for all that it comes with definitely great value for the money. Easy to assemble and its very sturdy. But it still works great.
Great value for the money
I love this trampoline for our family! The price is perfect it was easy to assemble it was easier with two people. My daughter loves to jump in, our whole family loves just laying in it together and looking up at the stars. The only thing was the net the zipper part was broke. I contacted the seller and immediately they responded and sent a new net out! Best customer service, and that makes me feel safe with my purchase. All in all I would highly recommended this purchase. The price is perfect for all that it comes with definitely great value for the money. Easy to assemble and its very sturdy. But it still works great.