Great trampoline. Sturdy and priced great. Very response sellers.
Great trampoline. My daughters love it and I like it also. It feels sturdy even when 2/3 people are jumping on it. Definitely worth the price and the seller is very responsive. It makes for a lot of fun for the kids and it can even be a good workout. The assembly directions were easy to follow and it took me, working alone only about an hour and a half to finish putting it together. It fits in my space perfectly, I could have even bought a bigger one. This is the 10ft version. All and all a very good trampoline. I would recommend it Worked for my use.
Great trampoline. Sturdy and priced great. Very response sellers.
Great trampoline. My daughters love it and I like it also. It feels sturdy even when 2/3 people are jumping on it. Definitely worth the price and the seller is very responsive. It makes for a lot of fun for the kids and it can even be a good workout. The assembly directions were easy to follow and it took me, working alone only about an hour and a half to finish putting it together. It fits in my space perfectly, I could have even bought a bigger one. This is the 10ft version. All and all a very good trampoline. I would recommend it Worked for my use.