We dont have a backyard, just a deck. I knew a 12ft was too big. This 10ft was the absolute perfect size. It was able to put it together by myself in a couple hours. Its sturdy. My 3yr old, my 14yr old and myself can all jump on it together with no issues. We got this for the little ones third birthday birthday back in Aug and its provided many days of joy for us. I will say the netting was really hard to get on by myself tho. I managed but not with out braking a sweat. Im not going to blame the manufacturer because there could be an easier way to put it on. Im just not aware of it. Nice fit.
Perfect for small yards
We dont have a backyard, just a deck. I knew a 12ft was too big. This 10ft was the absolute perfect size. It was able to put it together by myself in a couple hours. Its sturdy. My 3yr old, my 14yr old and myself can all jump on it together with no issues. We got this for the little ones third birthday birthday back in Aug and its provided many days of joy for us. I will say the netting was really hard to get on by myself tho. I managed but not with out braking a sweat. Im not going to blame the manufacturer because there could be an easier way to put it on. Im just not aware of it. Nice fit.