Looks solid, easy to assemble. Got one for my kids. This was ok to assemble. Directions were not the greatest but I figured it out pretty easily. I also used a impact driver to assemble and that sped up the assembly time by a ton. Wish they had torque specs for how tight the screws should be. Its a little wobbly but it did handle max weight fine . I think the spring guard should be attached in a better way but all in all for the price? You cant beat it !
Nice little trampoline !!
Looks solid, easy to assemble. Got one for my kids. This was ok to assemble. Directions were not the greatest but I figured it out pretty easily. I also used a impact driver to assemble and that sped up the assembly time by a ton. Wish they had torque specs for how tight the screws should be. Its a little wobbly but it did handle max weight fine . I think the spring guard should be attached in a better way but all in all for the price? You cant beat it !