Overall good product. Easier to assemble than expected. Took me 3.5 hours by myself. I think there should be some sort of mid support. If someone were to stand on the middle of the bed, it doesnt look like it would take much jumping to snap it. I added some lateral cross beams. Directions were clear, tools were all good. I had a tight space to fit in (80) and this fits just great. I actually assembled it in place which was a little trickier. Overall lovely bed. just a little nervous about weight being on the beams. This one was perfect
Could use a mid support
Overall good product. Easier to assemble than expected. Took me 3.5 hours by myself. I think there should be some sort of mid support. If someone were to stand on the middle of the bed, it doesnt look like it would take much jumping to snap it. I added some lateral cross beams. Directions were clear, tools were all good. I had a tight space to fit in (80) and this fits just great. I actually assembled it in place which was a little trickier. Overall lovely bed. just a little nervous about weight being on the beams. This one was perfect