This looks great in my apartment and seems sturdy. Ive put a 60 TV on it and it fits nicely.
It did take me over two hours to put together because some parts can be tricky if youre trying to put it together on your own. (like getting the legs onto the base without someone holding it). Otherwise the instructions were easy to follow and the nuts and bolts being clearly marked was aming! I did some parts with a drill but youre probably better off with a screwdriver. perfectly fine with it
Looks great but takes time to put together
This looks great in my apartment and seems sturdy. Ive put a 60 TV on it and it fits nicely. It did take me over two hours to put together because some parts can be tricky if youre trying to put it together on your own. (like getting the legs onto the base without someone holding it). Otherwise the instructions were easy to follow and the nuts and bolts being clearly marked was aming! I did some parts with a drill but youre probably better off with a screwdriver. perfectly fine with it