Really easy to assemble - thank God - only thing is the final screwing bit to put the backing in took a couple minutes longer because the fabric wasnt fully open to insert the screw. But its okay, thats what tweezers are for (and jokes - wait what)! Very nice, makes me sit up straight; thanks artist back for ruining my posture . As you can see, Raya loves it very much and is taking her rightfully earned nap on the chair. If the cat likes it, so do I. Jokes aside, I love how high and low it goes, my secondary black desk is really short so a chair that can go that low is pretty good imo
Kitty approval strikes back!
Really easy to assemble - thank God - only thing is the final screwing bit to put the backing in took a couple minutes longer because the fabric wasnt fully open to insert the screw. But its okay, thats what tweezers are for (and jokes - wait what)! Very nice, makes me sit up straight; thanks artist back for ruining my posture . As you can see, Raya loves it very much and is taking her rightfully earned nap on the chair. If the cat likes it, so do I. Jokes aside, I love how high and low it goes, my secondary black desk is really short so a chair that can go that low is pretty good imo