This was very easy to assemble, came with all the parts/tools necessary and some extras just in case. I put it together by myself which was not overly difficult, but it would be easier with two people. Seems very sturdy for what it is and is definitely a good value for the price. Fits the mattress I got perfectly, snug but not difficult to get bedding on and off of. It is a little high for a couch (I have a 10 matress on it), but with a higher coffee table it isnt much of an issue. Will be ordering more.
Great option
This was very easy to assemble, came with all the parts/tools necessary and some extras just in case. I put it together by myself which was not overly difficult, but it would be easier with two people. Seems very sturdy for what it is and is definitely a good value for the price. Fits the mattress I got perfectly, snug but not difficult to get bedding on and off of. It is a little high for a couch (I have a 10 matress on it), but with a higher coffee table it isnt much of an issue. Will be ordering more.