The bed is good quality and solid. It has very sturdy hardware to assemble. Large bolts where it counts. I assumed I would secure to the wall into studs as soon as we put together but was satisfied and pleased how sturdy it is on its own. My son is like 60 pounds and will def in the future secure to the wall but no need right now. We were lucky that the way the instructions are presented was the exact configuration on which end and side the ladder was. It might be tricky to make an adjustment to fit your room but Im assuming can be done with some effort. Very good product so far and cant see any reason why it shouldnt last until he outgrows it. It is worth a mention that the paint is pretty stinky in his room as it off gases. We keep his door open at night and have cracked window and closed the door during the day. One suggestion as soon as it arrives open box and spread out pieces and let sit a few days in garage to air out. Great. Very good. Recommended.
Very satisfied with the bed and son loves it.
The bed is good quality and solid. It has very sturdy hardware to assemble. Large bolts where it counts. I assumed I would secure to the wall into studs as soon as we put together but was satisfied and pleased how sturdy it is on its own. My son is like 60 pounds and will def in the future secure to the wall but no need right now. We were lucky that the way the instructions are presented was the exact configuration on which end and side the ladder was. It might be tricky to make an adjustment to fit your room but Im assuming can be done with some effort. Very good product so far and cant see any reason why it shouldnt last until he outgrows it. It is worth a mention that the paint is pretty stinky in his room as it off gases. We keep his door open at night and have cracked window and closed the door during the day. One suggestion as soon as it arrives open box and spread out pieces and let sit a few days in garage to air out. Great. Very good. Recommended.