Perfect for the price. Easy to put together and very sturdy. We have a 4 and 2 year old we purchased this for. Have had it for a few months and have no complaints. holds a good amount of weight (the mattresses are pretty heavy) Ive even been on the top bunk with my son (he weighs 40 lbs and i weigh 135 lbs to give an estimate) The side bar on the top bunk comes up nice and high. ( we have 8 mattresses even though the suggest 6 and there is still plenty of room. I would highly recommend and so happy we purchased this! Love the feel of the fabric and the color
Great Bunks!
Perfect for the price. Easy to put together and very sturdy. We have a 4 and 2 year old we purchased this for. Have had it for a few months and have no complaints. holds a good amount of weight (the mattresses are pretty heavy) Ive even been on the top bunk with my son (he weighs 40 lbs and i weigh 135 lbs to give an estimate) The side bar on the top bunk comes up nice and high. ( we have 8 mattresses even though the suggest 6 and there is still plenty of room. I would highly recommend and so happy we purchased this! Love the feel of the fabric and the color