Made well.much more sturdy than I expected. However, instructions were completely wrong. Had to keep in un/assembling and re/assembling parts because the directions had the wrong parts labeled. Ended up not being able to attach the top to the bottom and was only able to use top portion. Wouldve been nice if I couldve assembled the entire thing together. Felt it was a waste of money to only be able to use half the cabinet
Sturdy but poor assembly directions
Made well.much more sturdy than I expected. However, instructions were completely wrong. Had to keep in un/assembling and re/assembling parts because the directions had the wrong parts labeled. Ended up not being able to attach the top to the bottom and was only able to use top portion. Wouldve been nice if I couldve assembled the entire thing together. Felt it was a waste of money to only be able to use half the cabinet