I wouldnt say its super sturdy. I definitely wouldnt use this for smaller children, since it rocks very easily(this is for our 14 year old). The instructions were ridiculous, most parts were not labeled and did not specify which direction to set things so after putting one side together backwards we had to take it apart and switch everything around so that was a pain. Its also bigger than I expected. I know it tells you dimensions, but if youre like me and just assumed that any ceiling would be high enough, let me just tell you that you are wronglol. I attached a picture of how close it is to the ceiling and a video of how easily it shakes.
Its okay for what we need it for.
I wouldnt say its super sturdy. I definitely wouldnt use this for smaller children, since it rocks very easily(this is for our 14 year old). The instructions were ridiculous, most parts were not labeled and did not specify which direction to set things so after putting one side together backwards we had to take it apart and switch everything around so that was a pain. Its also bigger than I expected. I know it tells you dimensions, but if youre like me and just assumed that any ceiling would be high enough, let me just tell you that you are wronglol. I attached a picture of how close it is to the ceiling and a video of how easily it shakes.