Ordered 2 of these for my daughters. Very sturdy bed!!! Easy to assemble, but it will take 2 people for assembly. When I ordered the beds, the estimated shipping was 1012 days out. I was surprised when the arrived 7 days early.
My only issue is that one of the boxes was damaged during shipping. This caused a step rung of one of the ladders to be missing. Luckily there is a ladder on both ends so the ladder missing a rung is against the wall.
Kris at was excellent, kept me informed and very helpful During the quest for a replacement part. I still do not have the part but the company has messaged me to rectify the problem. Would recommend! My girls love them!
Damaged box in shipping still a great bed
Ordered 2 of these for my daughters. Very sturdy bed!!! Easy to assemble, but it will take 2 people for assembly. When I ordered the beds, the estimated shipping was 1012 days out. I was surprised when the arrived 7 days early. My only issue is that one of the boxes was damaged during shipping. This caused a step rung of one of the ladders to be missing. Luckily there is a ladder on both ends so the ladder missing a rung is against the wall. Kris at was excellent, kept me informed and very helpful During the quest for a replacement part. I still do not have the part but the company has messaged me to rectify the problem. Would recommend! My girls love them!