My son absolutely loves this bed, he has plenty of space underneath to play his games, we will even have room for a bean bag. The bed is sturdy and we fit a full size matress and a bunkie board, so whoever said a full size matress doesnt fit. A few people said the steps were really uncomfortable so I asked my son if he needed some cushion on them and he said They are fine mom , they are ok to walk up and down its not like you are just going to sit and chill on the ladder, I dont know what they are talking about
He wanted to do a review of the bed, thats how much he likes it. He said he likes the height up top also, its perfect when you mount a tv, it feels like a whole different room up top. Het if he like it I love it He is a big 12 57 160 lbs for reference. So all in all we are very happy.
Awesome bed!!
My son absolutely loves this bed, he has plenty of space underneath to play his games, we will even have room for a bean bag. The bed is sturdy and we fit a full size matress and a bunkie board, so whoever said a full size matress doesnt fit. A few people said the steps were really uncomfortable so I asked my son if he needed some cushion on them and he said They are fine mom , they are ok to walk up and down its not like you are just going to sit and chill on the ladder, I dont know what they are talking about He wanted to do a review of the bed, thats how much he likes it. He said he likes the height up top also, its perfect when you mount a tv, it feels like a whole different room up top. Het if he like it I love it He is a big 12 57 160 lbs for reference. So all in all we are very happy.