Great product, great service I ordered two of these. They were fairly easy to assemble. The chairs look great and they are comfortable. I wanted something easy to move that wouldnt hold pet hair. Ive had them a month or so now and still like them. The legs are a touch long and could be sturdier but we are just extra careful with them. Ill give the seller an A+ on customer service. When I got the chairs one of them came with a tear in the material. I asked for just a new piece to replace that part. The seller sent me an entirely new chair at their cost and dont have me return the old one. If you want a budget friendly, nice looking chair this is the way to go.
Decent Chairs Excellent Customer Service
Great product, great service I ordered two of these. They were fairly easy to assemble. The chairs look great and they are comfortable. I wanted something easy to move that wouldnt hold pet hair. Ive had them a month or so now and still like them. The legs are a touch long and could be sturdier but we are just extra careful with them. Ill give the seller an A+ on customer service. When I got the chairs one of them came with a tear in the material. I asked for just a new piece to replace that part. The seller sent me an entirely new chair at their cost and dont have me return the old one. If you want a budget friendly, nice looking chair this is the way to go.