Got this for my airbnb unit. It came in well packaged. It was very easy to assemble with clear instructions. My suggestion for putting this together very loosely before tighten the whole frame. This will help making the assembly a lot easier.
After putting it together, I feel it's very sturdy. No complaints from tenants so far. The thing I like about metal frame is it can be taken down and assemble again, unlike the wooden frame.
So overall, good price for the quality
So good so far, easy to put together
Got this for my airbnb unit. It came in well packaged. It was very easy to assemble with clear instructions. My suggestion for putting this together very loosely before tighten the whole frame. This will help making the assembly a lot easier. After putting it together, I feel it's very sturdy. No complaints from tenants so far. The thing I like about metal frame is it can be taken down and assemble again, unlike the wooden frame. So overall, good price for the quality