This bag is far bigger than I thought it would be, which is fantastic. I vowed not to purchase any additional products from China. Im a bit disappointed that the advert did not indicate where this was made. Nonetheless, for a Chinese product, its surprisingly durable. The fabric is great for camping. Easy to wipe clean. The enormous drawback is the tiny little tube that comes with the unit. Its certainly not long enough. I have to crouch down under the bag to wash hair and rinse soap from shoulders and back. I think it was made to shower off adults under four feet. Ive learned that antibacterial denture cleansers work to treat the inside after use. Stick a clean dry rag inside after cleaning to give the bag a chance to air out/dry before packing it up again. Otherwise, the water will stagnate and mold the inside shell. I would buy this product again.
Durable but difficult to use.
This bag is far bigger than I thought it would be, which is fantastic. I vowed not to purchase any additional products from China. Im a bit disappointed that the advert did not indicate where this was made. Nonetheless, for a Chinese product, its surprisingly durable. The fabric is great for camping. Easy to wipe clean. The enormous drawback is the tiny little tube that comes with the unit. Its certainly not long enough. I have to crouch down under the bag to wash hair and rinse soap from shoulders and back. I think it was made to shower off adults under four feet. Ive learned that antibacterial denture cleansers work to treat the inside after use. Stick a clean dry rag inside after cleaning to give the bag a chance to air out/dry before packing it up again. Otherwise, the water will stagnate and mold the inside shell. I would buy this product again.