Bed is sturdy and looks great. Great value for money. The package is VERY heavy! It takes a long time to assemble, and I would only recommend you self assemble if you are handy. As someone who likes assembling this kind of stuff, I am very happy with it. I ordered a second one for my kid. 4 stars overall because its still particle board and is heavy and somewhat difficult to assemble, but for the price I am very happy. Also, it doesnt squeak!
Great overall
Bed is sturdy and looks great. Great value for money. The package is VERY heavy! It takes a long time to assemble, and I would only recommend you self assemble if you are handy. As someone who likes assembling this kind of stuff, I am very happy with it. I ordered a second one for my kid. 4 stars overall because its still particle board and is heavy and somewhat difficult to assemble, but for the price I am very happy. Also, it doesnt squeak!