Better than expected. This bed is perfect for a small room! My 7year old boy uses this and he loves it and has gotten compliments from friends he has over. It does wobble a little bit but seems sturdy enoughand this is with him walking roughly on top of it!
Relatively easy to put together / if you can put together furniture I think this is even easier. Everything is labeled! Just dont tighten a section until its assembled. We put led christmas lights underneath and he uses it as a reading nook.
Great bed for small spaces.
Better than expected. This bed is perfect for a small room! My 7year old boy uses this and he loves it and has gotten compliments from friends he has over. It does wobble a little bit but seems sturdy enoughand this is with him walking roughly on top of it! Relatively easy to put together / if you can put together furniture I think this is even easier. Everything is labeled! Just dont tighten a section until its assembled. We put led christmas lights underneath and he uses it as a reading nook.