The Trampoline is great. I bought it about three months ago for my daughter who is two years old. She definitely loves it and would spend some time on it almost every day. The trampoline itself is very sturdy, the net was a bit broken during installation and after a few usages. But the seller sent me a new one which is very sturdy and still working pretty well after a few months. Will definitely recommend it if you have an energetic toddler at home.
Great Trampoline for Toddler
The Trampoline is great. I bought it about three months ago for my daughter who is two years old. She definitely loves it and would spend some time on it almost every day. The trampoline itself is very sturdy, the net was a bit broken during installation and after a few usages. But the seller sent me a new one which is very sturdy and still working pretty well after a few months. Will definitely recommend it if you have an energetic toddler at home.