We bought this for our 16 month old grandson. Hes very tall and around 25 lbs. He loves it so much we bought 1 for our house too. The only thing about assembly that we didnt like was the net goes last but it goes under the spring cover. It was a little awkward to tie but not impossible. I still give this trampoline 5 stars. Even tho it says indoor/outdoor, we wont be leaving it in the sun or rain.
Great Trampoline
We bought this for our 16 month old grandson. Hes very tall and around 25 lbs. He loves it so much we bought 1 for our house too. The only thing about assembly that we didnt like was the net goes last but it goes under the spring cover. It was a little awkward to tie but not impossible. I still give this trampoline 5 stars. Even tho it says indoor/outdoor, we wont be leaving it in the sun or rain.