My daughter is a bouncer girl! We bought this trampoline as a replacement for the 3 FT round bounce trampoline. All of the necessary tools are included to assemble this. The assembly of this trampoline took me around 50minutes,most of time I assembled the springs. The spring is high quality. After complicated, I found it can afford my daughter and me easily. Importantly, its a safer trampoline. My daughter loves it!
safe trampoline
My daughter is a bouncer girl! We bought this trampoline as a replacement for the 3 FT round bounce trampoline. All of the necessary tools are included to assemble this. The assembly of this trampoline took me around 50minutes,most of time I assembled the springs. The spring is high quality. After complicated, I found it can afford my daughter and me easily. Importantly, its a safer trampoline. My daughter loves it!