Pretty sturdy. Good size. The bed is nice and sturdy but plan for wall attachment if at all possible.
Instructions and part labels were very good. The packaging was a mess. The scratched parts were all front facing in my case.
I cordless driver and socket driver to assemble. I would suggest checking each screw when completed and again after its been used a few times. With everything hand tightened there is no squeaking and minimal movement. Obviously anything over tightened and stripped will be a big problem.
I was able to assemble solo only against a wall where I was able to hang a rail on the wall. A second person is really needed for about 10 minutes of the assembly.
Good product that seems difficult to ship intact
Pretty sturdy. Good size. The bed is nice and sturdy but plan for wall attachment if at all possible. Instructions and part labels were very good. The packaging was a mess. The scratched parts were all front facing in my case. I cordless driver and socket driver to assemble. I would suggest checking each screw when completed and again after its been used a few times. With everything hand tightened there is no squeaking and minimal movement. Obviously anything over tightened and stripped will be a big problem. I was able to assemble solo only against a wall where I was able to hang a rail on the wall. A second person is really needed for about 10 minutes of the assembly.