You get what you pay for as they say. These are ok nothing outstanding. The fabric is not very soft. My biggest complaint though is that unless you are completely laid back you dont have hardly any footstool. I cant believe that has not been mentioned that I have seen. You have about 2 leaning back options, one is not very far but what most people would use unless they are napping so the footstool only comes out maybe about 4 or so. I like the side table built in idea. Im going have to find a real footstool though , I wouldnt recommend these if you are like me and like your feet up , we buy chairs with footstool built in for a reason these dont serve that purpose. Poor construction.
Its ok
You get what you pay for as they say. These are ok nothing outstanding. The fabric is not very soft. My biggest complaint though is that unless you are completely laid back you dont have hardly any footstool. I cant believe that has not been mentioned that I have seen. You have about 2 leaning back options, one is not very far but what most people would use unless they are napping so the footstool only comes out maybe about 4 or so. I like the side table built in idea. Im going have to find a real footstool though , I wouldnt recommend these if you are like me and like your feet up , we buy chairs with footstool built in for a reason these dont serve that purpose. Poor construction.