Got this for my boyfriend for Christmas and he loves the style and color. It IS very hard so Im hoping it softens up over time. Seems very sturdy and the color is on point! I did knock one star off for the seller. It seems it was running VERY late and the shipper told me it would t arrive until January. It showed up like 2 days later. Seemed odd they werent aware of where their own product was and when it would arrive. Caused unnecessary stress thinking the gift wouldnt arrive on time. Easy as it says.
A little firm
Got this for my boyfriend for Christmas and he loves the style and color. It IS very hard so Im hoping it softens up over time. Seems very sturdy and the color is on point! I did knock one star off for the seller. It seems it was running VERY late and the shipper told me it would t arrive until January. It showed up like 2 days later. Seemed odd they werent aware of where their own product was and when it would arrive. Caused unnecessary stress thinking the gift wouldnt arrive on time. Easy as it says.