I hope it is sturdy. This bed was affordable, simple to assemble and its sturdy enough for my 2 and 4 year old boys. My husband and I can even lay with them on the top and bottom bunks, respectively, or he and I can lay together on the bottom and its still nice and sturdy.
BUT, and its a big one, this bed is SO squeaky. Im not sure how to prevent it but especially when youre laying on the top bunk, every little movement results in a squeak. I wish I had sprung for a more expensive wooden bed to avoid the noisiness of this one. If I find a solution, Ill update my review.
So noisy! But sturdy.
I hope it is sturdy. This bed was affordable, simple to assemble and its sturdy enough for my 2 and 4 year old boys. My husband and I can even lay with them on the top and bottom bunks, respectively, or he and I can lay together on the bottom and its still nice and sturdy. BUT, and its a big one, this bed is SO squeaky. Im not sure how to prevent it but especially when youre laying on the top bunk, every little movement results in a squeak. I wish I had sprung for a more expensive wooden bed to avoid the noisiness of this one. If I find a solution, Ill update my review.