The chairs came in great sturdy boxing, and pulling pieces out were easy, was organized. I love the look and they are sturdy once assembled. They sit lower than Id like, but for the price, they are very ideal. They do fill a void in space, so be prepared for a wider chair than the photos appear. The instructions were very poor in my opinion. All it showed was pictures, no words. The pictures tried to show close ups of the chairs assembly, but it was confusing. One person can put together, as i did, but two people may be ideal to hold in place some of the parts while you are screwing in the bolts. Nice finish
The chairs came in great sturdy boxing, and pulling pieces out were easy, was organized. I love the look and they are sturdy once assembled. They sit lower than Id like, but for the price, they are very ideal. They do fill a void in space, so be prepared for a wider chair than the photos appear. The instructions were very poor in my opinion. All it showed was pictures, no words. The pictures tried to show close ups of the chairs assembly, but it was confusing. One person can put together, as i did, but two people may be ideal to hold in place some of the parts while you are screwing in the bolts. Nice finish