Looks solid, easy to assemble. The frame seems sturdy and is quite comfortable with a mattress. It was fairly straightforward to assemble except for installing the slats. Especially the ones closest to the ends! Nothing a little persuasion with a hammer couldnt fix! Matress sort of slides around on the slats which makes it easy to change sheets with it against a wall. If this bugs my son too bad, I will find something grippy like some rubber strips to glue to the slats. Initial impression is that it seems to be a good product.
Seems good so far.
Looks solid, easy to assemble. The frame seems sturdy and is quite comfortable with a mattress. It was fairly straightforward to assemble except for installing the slats. Especially the ones closest to the ends! Nothing a little persuasion with a hammer couldnt fix! Matress sort of slides around on the slats which makes it easy to change sheets with it against a wall. If this bugs my son too bad, I will find something grippy like some rubber strips to glue to the slats. Initial impression is that it seems to be a good product.