The product is exactly as described. Easy to assemble. Put all 7 pieces together in 3 hours. Only reason for giving 4 start instead of 5 is there was a little issue with shipping. Only 6 of the 7 pieces were originally shipped, but seller was very quick to respond to any inquiries and to ship the final piece. About a week after the first 6 pieces arrived, we got the 7th one and the final product looks great in my living room. Because of the sharp angles of the doors and low ceiling in my apartment, traditional sectionals from furniture stores wont fit (pieces too big). This is perfect since each seat and ottoman came in separate boxes and there was no problem getting in the apartment.
Looks great, comfortable, easy to assemble
The product is exactly as described. Easy to assemble. Put all 7 pieces together in 3 hours. Only reason for giving 4 start instead of 5 is there was a little issue with shipping. Only 6 of the 7 pieces were originally shipped, but seller was very quick to respond to any inquiries and to ship the final piece. About a week after the first 6 pieces arrived, we got the 7th one and the final product looks great in my living room. Because of the sharp angles of the doors and low ceiling in my apartment, traditional sectionals from furniture stores wont fit (pieces too big). This is perfect since each seat and ottoman came in separate boxes and there was no problem getting in the apartment.