Great Seller Customer Service! Its a very sturdy couch for the price I got it. Its a little tough on the back with the pillows. You can add more pillows to your comfort level. Measure the space you want to put it in so it can be a perfect fit. Mine is perfect and has some free room to move it a bit. Read the instructions when you do purchase it and start assembling it. The extra items were in the couch it self so dont be Alarmed, all the pieces are their.
Easy to assemble
Great Seller Customer Service! Its a very sturdy couch for the price I got it. Its a little tough on the back with the pillows. You can add more pillows to your comfort level. Measure the space you want to put it in so it can be a perfect fit. Mine is perfect and has some free room to move it a bit. Read the instructions when you do purchase it and start assembling it. The extra items were in the couch it self so dont be Alarmed, all the pieces are their.