Sturdy, really cute, a little challenging to assemble.
I bought these for my daughters. They arrived in good packaging. Nothing was broken in my shipment, and all the pieces were included. My only gripe with the whole thing was the instructions werent included, so I ended up have to print them. Also the instructions were a little vague. All in all it took two people 2 hours to assemble. Definitely need to people to stack them they are quite heavy once assembled. Its pretty aming
Sturdy, really cute, a little challenging to assemble.
I bought these for my daughters. They arrived in good packaging. Nothing was broken in my shipment, and all the pieces were included. My only gripe with the whole thing was the instructions werent included, so I ended up have to print them. Also the instructions were a little vague. All in all it took two people 2 hours to assemble. Definitely need to people to stack them they are quite heavy once assembled. Its pretty aming