This chair is absolutely beautiful and I am beyond satisfied with my purchase!!! First off, it was extremely easy to assemble even though it seems like a lot of pieces at first, it took me under an hour. The quality of the and the cushion comfort is aming. The back rest is very supportive which is much needed doing long hours at a desk job. The design is sleek and the height is just right. It works under my desk on both the higher and lower sitting settings. My only complaint would be that the wheels are a little stiff and squeaky. The neutral color and cute design matches perfectly with my living room. This chair is a great value, I recommend Fantastic Size.
Beautiful and Comfy Desk Chair
This chair is absolutely beautiful and I am beyond satisfied with my purchase!!! First off, it was extremely easy to assemble even though it seems like a lot of pieces at first, it took me under an hour. The quality of the and the cushion comfort is aming. The back rest is very supportive which is much needed doing long hours at a desk job. The design is sleek and the height is just right. It works under my desk on both the higher and lower sitting settings. My only complaint would be that the wheels are a little stiff and squeaky. The neutral color and cute design matches perfectly with my living room. This chair is a great value, I recommend Fantastic Size.