This company did it right, and the table is perfect
Looks nice and sturdy. Perfect! I just put this together today, but I know its going to be great. Finally a company that has thought through instructions and includes everything you need. All pieces were in great shape with no flaws, it came with a bag of spare parts, and the directions were actually comprehensive, leaving nothing to be confused over. Very sturdy and looks very well made. A cheaper piece that will actually last.
This company did it right, and the table is perfect
Looks nice and sturdy. Perfect! I just put this together today, but I know its going to be great. Finally a company that has thought through instructions and includes everything you need. All pieces were in great shape with no flaws, it came with a bag of spare parts, and the directions were actually comprehensive, leaving nothing to be confused over. Very sturdy and looks very well made. A cheaper piece that will actually last.