Great! This product turned out to be better quality than I expected. It looks great and is very sturdy. I assembled this alone, took my time while watching TV and I had it complete in under 2 hours. Instructions were very easy to follow and all of the holes lined up perfectly. Carefully Follow each step and it flows together very well. Our 50 TV looks awesome on this stand.
I do feel they need to change the Specs in the description because this stand is 15.5 deep, not 18 like it shows on the site. I was happy because 18 would have been a bit too deep for our space.
Extremely Pleased!
Great! This product turned out to be better quality than I expected. It looks great and is very sturdy. I assembled this alone, took my time while watching TV and I had it complete in under 2 hours. Instructions were very easy to follow and all of the holes lined up perfectly. Carefully Follow each step and it flows together very well. Our 50 TV looks awesome on this stand. I do feel they need to change the Specs in the description because this stand is 15.5 deep, not 18 like it shows on the site. I was happy because 18 would have been a bit too deep for our space.