Sturdy, Simple to assemble, and pleasing to the eye.
So simple to assemble and very sturdy (especially the headboard). The style looks great. Solid product for the price. If I had any discrepancies, it would be that the length of the frame is about 6 inches longer that my mattress and box frame for the King....but I already knew that before ordering so its not a reason to ding the score. Overall me likey a lot.
Sturdy, Simple to assemble, and pleasing to the eye.
So simple to assemble and very sturdy (especially the headboard). The style looks great. Solid product for the price. If I had any discrepancies, it would be that the length of the frame is about 6 inches longer that my mattress and box frame for the King....but I already knew that before ordering so its not a reason to ding the score. Overall me likey a lot.