Just what we were looking at a great price I left an earlier review that was not good. I had one part that was made wrong...after contacting the seller and several weeks of waiting, they sent me 2 replacements for that part. Both were slightly bowed from shipping, but easily straightened out by hand. The bed seems sturdy enough after assymbly and looks decent considering the cheap price. My wife is happy so I am happy. Thanks for correcting the one minor issue. We would buy this again for this price.
Great guest bed
Just what we were looking at a great price I left an earlier review that was not good. I had one part that was made wrong...after contacting the seller and several weeks of waiting, they sent me 2 replacements for that part. Both were slightly bowed from shipping, but easily straightened out by hand. The bed seems sturdy enough after assymbly and looks decent considering the cheap price. My wife is happy so I am happy. Thanks for correcting the one minor issue. We would buy this again for this price.