She loves her bed and loves how comfortable and soft it is
We bought this new mattress for our daughter and at at first she wanted it on the floor without any undercarriage . A week later I found the same as in picture above and to the left. She loves her bed and loves how comfortable and soft it is. Thank you so so much. Turns out you dont have to spend the college fund to get a comfortable, soft, and luxurious mattress and bed frame for a reasonable price. I recommend any one looking for one to try what we bought our daughter. Please excuse my writing writing, speaking, and spelling English isnt one of my strong traits. My daughter love it!!!
She loves her bed and loves how comfortable and soft it is
We bought this new mattress for our daughter and at at first she wanted it on the floor without any undercarriage . A week later I found the same as in picture above and to the left. She loves her bed and loves how comfortable and soft it is. Thank you so so much. Turns out you dont have to spend the college fund to get a comfortable, soft, and luxurious mattress and bed frame for a reasonable price. I recommend any one looking for one to try what we bought our daughter. Please excuse my writing writing, speaking, and spelling English isnt one of my strong traits. My daughter love it!!!