When i first open the box it was shipped in, it look very flimsy and i got a little nervous. But after putting all together and tightening everything, its actually pretty sturdy! My 3yr old immediately got on and started jumping on it, but so far its held up. It was very easy to assemble, probably took less than 20 min with an extra pair of hands helping. Happy with the purchase! Perfect and Sturdy.
Good quality bed for the price
When i first open the box it was shipped in, it look very flimsy and i got a little nervous. But after putting all together and tightening everything, its actually pretty sturdy! My 3yr old immediately got on and started jumping on it, but so far its held up. It was very easy to assemble, probably took less than 20 min with an extra pair of hands helping. Happy with the purchase! Perfect and Sturdy.