Sturdy trampoline and the handle bar a definite bonus for balance when jumping
The assembly instructions were fairly easy to follow. The trampoline and bar seem sturdy, although after using once I did need to re/tighten all handle screws; it would be good if they didnt loosen so quickly. Found no disassembly instructions for storage, but assume they are the reverse of assembly. However, there is no way I would go through the assembly each time I wanted to use it, so think the pitch of folds up for easy storage somewhat misleading. I wont be taking it apart until I move.
Sturdy trampoline and the handle bar a definite bonus for balance when jumping
The assembly instructions were fairly easy to follow. The trampoline and bar seem sturdy, although after using once I did need to re/tighten all handle screws; it would be good if they didnt loosen so quickly. Found no disassembly instructions for storage, but assume they are the reverse of assembly. However, there is no way I would go through the assembly each time I wanted to use it, so think the pitch of folds up for easy storage somewhat misleading. I wont be taking it apart until I move.