I rarely take the time to write reviews but this bed deserves it! It was easy to assemble. The instructions made sense and had decent pictures. They included an allan wrench ratchet to make it easier. The bed is sturdy with room under it. It has great fabric and they did little things that make a big difference like putting felt under the slats so it wouldnt slip. I have assembled beds in the past I thought I would never recover. Thank you for giving me the will to live again.
This bed is awesome
I rarely take the time to write reviews but this bed deserves it! It was easy to assemble. The instructions made sense and had decent pictures. They included an allan wrench ratchet to make it easier. The bed is sturdy with room under it. It has great fabric and they did little things that make a big difference like putting felt under the slats so it wouldnt slip. I have assembled beds in the past I thought I would never recover. Thank you for giving me the will to live again.