High quality product. Takes time to assemble. I purchased this bed for my granddaughter when she comes over and I need the the underside for storage space! It was easy to assemble and I only needed an extra set of hands for about five minutes other than that its a one person job. I would recommend a power screwdriver or drill to make the job faster. The elapsed time from when I opened the box until I put the mattress on top was about an 1hr and a half or so. Its sturdy and attractive. The only reason it doesnt have 5 stars is because of the smell of the stain/finish on the wood. Its not pleasant but has seemed to air out over the last few weeks. Price vs quality if excellent!
Price for the quality is excellent!
High quality product. Takes time to assemble. I purchased this bed for my granddaughter when she comes over and I need the the underside for storage space! It was easy to assemble and I only needed an extra set of hands for about five minutes other than that its a one person job. I would recommend a power screwdriver or drill to make the job faster. The elapsed time from when I opened the box until I put the mattress on top was about an 1hr and a half or so. Its sturdy and attractive. The only reason it doesnt have 5 stars is because of the smell of the stain/finish on the wood. Its not pleasant but has seemed to air out over the last few weeks. Price vs quality if excellent!