Might scream while assembling.This chair looks really nice and was easy to assemble and those are the only 2 things I thought were nice. The chair does hardly rock you might as well sit in a regular chair. Its very uncomfortable to sit in. I would have sent it back but I dont have the bock and I could never get it to UPS. When you want a UPS pick up no one comes and from arent very helpful. I am very disappointed with their return system.
Nice Looking
Might scream while assembling.This chair looks really nice and was easy to assemble and those are the only 2 things I thought were nice. The chair does hardly rock you might as well sit in a regular chair. Its very uncomfortable to sit in. I would have sent it back but I dont have the bock and I could never get it to UPS. When you want a UPS pick up no one comes and from arent very helpful. I am very disappointed with their return system.