I really liked how easy this product was to assemble. But the durability isnt that good. We bought this for my son because my daughter had a 10 year old solid wood bunk bed that we bought for almost 3k. We decided not to do that type of spending since were a military family and move a lot and our nice, pricy things get damaged with every move. So, after having had assembled for a couple of months, its pretty wobbly and we have to constantly tighten up loose screws. Basic.
Quality is a bit wobbly
I really liked how easy this product was to assemble. But the durability isnt that good. We bought this for my son because my daughter had a 10 year old solid wood bunk bed that we bought for almost 3k. We decided not to do that type of spending since were a military family and move a lot and our nice, pricy things get damaged with every move. So, after having had assembled for a couple of months, its pretty wobbly and we have to constantly tighten up loose screws. Basic.