Great sturdy bed for my 6 year old. My son has a small bedroom and we needed to make room to add a desk for remote learning. This bed is the perfect size for him. It was high enough that we were able to buy a dresser to fit under it for extra storage but not too high that I was worried he would fall getting out of it in the middle of the night if need be. I would definitely recommend buying this bed! Nice product.
Would definitely recommend buying this bed
Great sturdy bed for my 6 year old. My son has a small bedroom and we needed to make room to add a desk for remote learning. This bed is the perfect size for him. It was high enough that we were able to buy a dresser to fit under it for extra storage but not too high that I was worried he would fall getting out of it in the middle of the night if need be. I would definitely recommend buying this bed! Nice product.