Nice bed for our 10 year old. She loves it! I tried to assemble myself but ended up needing a hand. There is no way one person can do this alone. Each piece is numbered so they are easy to find. I suggest setting all the same pieces together for easier assembly. Took me almost 2 hours by myself then I needed some help. My wife and I finished it up. Lots of space underneath for storage or a cave area. The cats like to hide underneath it. I wouldnt recommend more than one person at a time on the bed. Comes with small tools to put together but works much better with power tools. Fantastic and Sturdy.
Nice bed for our daughter she loves it!
Nice bed for our 10 year old. She loves it! I tried to assemble myself but ended up needing a hand. There is no way one person can do this alone. Each piece is numbered so they are easy to find. I suggest setting all the same pieces together for easier assembly. Took me almost 2 hours by myself then I needed some help. My wife and I finished it up. Lots of space underneath for storage or a cave area. The cats like to hide underneath it. I wouldnt recommend more than one person at a time on the bed. Comes with small tools to put together but works much better with power tools. Fantastic and Sturdy.