This umbrella was very easy to assemble, although I had a bit of hard time with one of the screws, but I eventually figured it out. My only concern is that while it is very sturdy, I need a heavy base to counter the weight of the umbrella itself. For some reason when I bought this I thought it came with the base, but I will buy it. For now I got a few pavers and put them around the bottom of the body to give it some stability. I owned another cantilever umbrella that cost me half of what this one cost and last summer in one of the storms we had the screw at the top snapped and had to hammer it in every time I used it, and many times during the day if it i was a breezy day. I hope this one will last me. The quality of the umbrella fabric is also a lot nicer and better than the previous one I had. Highly recommend this umbrella.
Solid and sturdy cantilever umbrella
This umbrella was very easy to assemble, although I had a bit of hard time with one of the screws, but I eventually figured it out. My only concern is that while it is very sturdy, I need a heavy base to counter the weight of the umbrella itself. For some reason when I bought this I thought it came with the base, but I will buy it. For now I got a few pavers and put them around the bottom of the body to give it some stability. I owned another cantilever umbrella that cost me half of what this one cost and last summer in one of the storms we had the screw at the top snapped and had to hammer it in every time I used it, and many times during the day if it i was a breezy day. I hope this one will last me. The quality of the umbrella fabric is also a lot nicer and better than the previous one I had. Highly recommend this umbrella.